Jamie - owner and chief ‘locksmith’ at BMD - has been caring for dreads for over 15 years. After working from home and in salons, he has perfected his own style of dreadlock creation and repair that delivers fast, tight and natural-looking dreads for any hair type.
BMD’s technique uses the crochet hook only - we will NEVER use waxes, chemicals or glues. We can maintain and repair even the wildest of dreadlocks, and for a fraction of the prices you'd pay at a salon!
New dreadlocks
full head, or even just a few!
Dreadlock extensions
with real or synthetic hair
Dreadlock maintenance & rectification work
for even the wildest of locks
Dreadlock removal
natural processes for healthy new hair
A range of dread care products
check out our dread wraps, beads, shampoos, and more!
Expert advice
for keeping your dreadlocks looking good between maintenance sessions